Jonathan's Musings

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Cool Parks

This morning, in Sacramento County Superior Court department 39, the following conversation took place:

Judge Parks: I'm a little troubled here. As far as I can tell, the defendant has still not been served, and it's now been over a year since the case was filed.

Attorney: Your honor, I have good news.

Judge Parks (interrupting): You just saved a lot of money on car insurance?

Monday, August 23, 2004

Poolside Lessons

Nah, you don't want to see it, so I won't post a pic . . . (See, the moderator of this blog does have some control over its contents, which he arbitrarily chooses to assert.) Instead of a picture, we have applied the Fleming approach to analyze the weekend's main lesson, and break it out as follows:

AVOID CONSPIRACIES: when at a party where a pool is present, avoid participating in any conspiratorial schemes that involve the premeditated tossing of an individual or individuals into said pool.

WATCH FOR LEGS: when participation in aforementioned schemes becomes inevitable (when self control, common sense, and adult behavior are overcome by the more base, or at least childish, desires), and you feel inwardly compelled to volunteer your efforts to accomplish the object of said scheme, remember to go for the head, or at least the upper portion of the target individual (hereinafter referred to as "victim"), particularly if the victim has been known to possess very athletic abilities in the thigh, calf, and knee areas, and particularly if the movement of the victim appears akin to a horizontal break dancer. Grabbing the feet of such a victim has potentially hazardous consequences, and one who does so impliedly assumes any risk associated with such hazardous behavior.

NEVER GIVE UP: never give up, even if you've been kneed in the mouth. Especially if you've been kneed in the mouth, because you should at least have something to show for it.

WATCH YOUR BACK: when you have reached the line of demarcation, the point of no return, the near culmination of the actus reus, the point where the preliminary swings have been completed and the final act of swinging and releasing is imminent . . . watch your back, particularly if you are surrounded by non-conspirators, and particularly if you are fully dressed in non-swimming apparel.

Jonathan's Thought of the Day: The lips of the wise tendeth to life, but in the mouth of fools is much pain.

Jonathan's Other Thought of the Day: Before furthering water-related conspiracies, become appropriately appareled.

This public service message has been brought to you by the partnership for an injury free America, a public non-partisan organization aimed at taking away the spice of life and creating liability for any activities that may potentially result in harm or injury to any individual.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Mission Accomplished

Today I've been in recovery from an incredible weekend at Yosemite. Saturday morning, our group of eight motivated individuals set foot for what was for most of us the longest, most arduous hike of our lives. 8+ miles and 4800 feet in elevation later, we reached the top of Half Dome, one of the highest points in Yosemite at nearly 10,000 feet. At the top, there were a few energetic persons taking pictures and hiking around (it's actually quite a large area up there), but others of us pretty much collapsed and rested. Personally, I tried to cram down a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a Power Bar, but the fact that we were all out of water rather hampered my efforts. After an hour or so of rest, we turned around and headed back to camp. Happily, hiking back was definitely easier than hiking up, though the descent on the cable section was pretty scary at points.

All eight of us made it to the top (and back to the valley) without injury, which in my estimation was quite amazing considering our overall fitness levels. Praise the Lord!

At this point I'd say I'm aching to go back, but maybe I'm just aching. Actually, I am looking forward to the next trip up. Cut that; I'm looking forward to the next journey up. It's beautiful up there . . . If you're interested in seeing more pics, just e-mail me at and I'll send you some.

The Last Battle

The final ascent to the top of Half Dome. Check out the 900 feet of cables to help the daring hiker take the top. The link is to a CNN article discussing the cable section of this trail.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Blogger camp launches massive e-mail campaign, then surrenders campaign control

Today, Blogger launched a massive e-mail campaign targeted at a primarily middle class audience in a shameless attempt at drawing them into his camp on the worldwide web. While it is unclear what the response to the campaign will be, Blogger anticipates a growth in the number of average daily visits to his online existence.

Despite Blogger's strong record of campaign success through personal contact, however, Blogger acknowledged today that "I will soon be turning over control of this campaign to my grassroots volunteers. I have done all that I can do."

While Blogger's reasons for suddenly given up control of his campaign activities remain somewhat of a mystery, inside sources have reported that Blogger intends to hike the challenging Half Dome at Yosemite National Park this weekend, and will be beyond the range of all but satellite phone communication.

Stay tuned for the latest breaking news.

Day Two of the New Deal

Well, it’s my second day in the domain of real, live, flesh and blood virtual humanity. It’s my second day as a real, honest to goodness blogger. It’s a bittersweet day for me. On one hand, I’m jazzed about catching up with the times, but on the other, I realize how far behind I am in the race to achieve the biggest, brightest, boldest, best blog out there. Then again, if my only purpose in life was creating the GigaBlog, said blog would probably be about as interesting to read as the care instructions on the average t-shirt.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Me, a blogger? Some things are truly amazing.

8/11/04: Wow, I'm blogging! I hope to turn this boring little page into a work of art that every viewer will leave feeling enlightened and invigorated. What will I post? Everything from legal notes to musings* on the meaning of life in general and mine in particular.

I hereby embark on my voyage to the world of blogs! Grab a friend and a cup of joe and come along for the ride!

*Caveat Lector: These musings are likely to contain a fair amount of humor and sarcasm.