Thursday, August 12, 2004

Blogger camp launches massive e-mail campaign, then surrenders campaign control

Today, Blogger launched a massive e-mail campaign targeted at a primarily middle class audience in a shameless attempt at drawing them into his camp on the worldwide web. While it is unclear what the response to the campaign will be, Blogger anticipates a growth in the number of average daily visits to his online existence.

Despite Blogger's strong record of campaign success through personal contact, however, Blogger acknowledged today that "I will soon be turning over control of this campaign to my grassroots volunteers. I have done all that I can do."

While Blogger's reasons for suddenly given up control of his campaign activities remain somewhat of a mystery, inside sources have reported that Blogger intends to hike the challenging Half Dome at Yosemite National Park this weekend, and will be beyond the range of all but satellite phone communication.

Stay tuned for the latest breaking news.


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