Jonathan's Musings

Monday, May 29, 2006

Blinding cops is a bad idea

I guess my car's brights are pretty bright. Coming down Old Priest Grade last night on the way home from Yosemite, I came around a corner and encountered an approaching SUV. Barely awake enough to concentrate on driving, I failed to dim my brights for the three seconds it took for the SUV to pass me.

(the daytime view)

A few minutes later, I looked in my mirror and noticed a officer of the law behind me flashing his happy SUV lights. I checked my speed - okay; my seatbelt - okay; was I weaving? - not really. Apparently, I'd blinded him with my brights and he wasn't terribly happy about it. Fortunately, after the normal checks of my license, insurance, registration, and penitence level, he decided to be lenient and let me off with a five minute lecture on the brightness of my lights and the courtesy of dimming them. He also mentioned something about moving violations and marks against my record.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Will work for . . .

. . . dinner theatre tickets? A few days ago, I got an e-mail from Matt about a local dinner theatre that was looking for a real estate attorney. I called them up, and sure enough, they needed a lease reviewed - and asked if we could barter a dollar-for-dollar exchange of legal work for dinner theatre tickets. I figured that would be a lot of food (which is supposedly good at this place) and possibly fun, so I acquiesced. Who knows, I might even like it! :-)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


After many months of anticipation and preparation, we finally traveled to Europe for the OBCL Reformation Tour, led by our law school dean, Roger Magnuson (and organized by the excellent Paul Harman). Check out my other blog and Emily's blog for trip photos!