Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Dear Mark,

From young ladies everywhere. Posted by Hello


Blogger Mark said...

Let me count the reasons. . .

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll buy lunch for anyone who knows where that sign is, or Starbucks for anyone who knows what M.J.B. really stands for on that ad.

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as far as MJB goes . . . yes, why the bad hair . . . why the bad jokes . . . why, why, why did he live with his mother so long. . . why the lousy jump shot. . .yes, there are many whys, my friend . . .but we're not sure we want answers.

11:31 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

My jump shot is just fine.

1:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm reading your blog every day, and I'm a HUGE fan! Just wanted to let you know in case you felt like no one reads it a lot because you never post anything new. My favorite part about your blog is that I always know what to expect when I come back! :)

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm guessing you took this picture in Oakland?

I believe MJB stands for MJ Bransten. He was the founder of the coffee roasting company that bears his name.

The sign you took a picture of was apparently part of a famous advertising campaign in the 1920's. You can read about the advertisment's creator in the third paragraph of this link:

9:41 PM  
Blogger jph said...

Beautiful. (No, not you, your answer!) I owe you lunch. More specifically, this sign is directly across from the largest of several court buildings in Oakland, and I recall staring at it on a regular basis and wondering, "why, Mark, why?" And not really being able to anwer that question satisfactorily during the short visits I made to that courthouse, I finally decided to turn the picture into wallpaper for my computer so I could meditate on it day and night. So far I'm still meditating.

11:05 PM  

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